When a journalist visits your page, you want them to stick about for a while and have a worthwhile visit. Here’s how to make your website media friendly and get the press eating out of the palm of your hand!


Does your website have a special press section for journalists to access? If not, why not?

Although there are some exceptions, namely very new start-up companies, just making their way in the world, nearly every tech company worth its salt has a press section on their website. And if they don’t, then they should do!

Why? Because you want to make the business of gathering information about you and your company as easy as possible for a journalist. After all, this is the person who is potentially about to throw a load of free publicity your way. In that context, why would you make their job harder?

Having to hunt for information and scroll down and trawl through masses of text is not the way to make friends with the media.

Like the rest of us, journalists are busy. If they can’t find the information they need quickly, they are liable to give up and concentrate on another story which they can do.

So, do them and yourselves a favor by getting a comprehensive and professional press section on your website.


Just sticking a few ill-conceived images on your website and hoping that is enough just won’t cut it today.

In order to truly appeal to journalists, you need to give them what they need, in an easy to use format.

This means high resolution, good quality images throughout your website.

If there is a product featured, make sure you take a good photograph on it, preferably well lit behind a white backdrop for extra clarity.

It is also an idea to show images of the item being used. Don’t forget the logo, either – preferably in both hi and lo resolution for maximum usefulness.

Consider uploading video footage of the thing or device you want to promote, and make sure it is it well produced, short, and to the point!


When it comes to gathering information, a journalist might want to get in touch with your company. But so many times we see websites which go out of their way to shun real life contact with the press!

A generic ‘contact us’ sheet is fine for general inquiries. But when courting ‘gentlemen of the press’ you need the personal touch.

Ensure that your press contact is an actual human contact and not a generic sounding address like press@techcompany.com.

These types of addresses don’t inspire confidence in the reader that their queries will be responded to. And if a journalist thinks there is little prospect of garnering a reply, then they are unlikely to bother sending the message in the first place.

Remember, journalists are your friends and you want them to get in touch- so make it easy for them!